Ministry of Love

The intention of this blog is to share Biblical messages at least on a weekly basis. Any response is appreciated. I do not expect everyone to agree with my interpretation of Biblical passages. I will try to respond with love and thoughtfulness.

Monday, January 31, 2005

What Are You Worth? by Dolores

It used to be said that if one could melt down a human body into its elements, it would be worth about 87 cents. So, what does that tell us? It should tell us that as far as our bodies go, we're not worth a whole lot!
Sound foolish? Yet, how often do we measure our worth by what our bodies can accomplish?
After my mother got up in years and wasn't able to work in her church, nor even attend the way she once did, her self-worth took a nose dive. And I've observed over the years a lot of people see themselves this way. If they can't do the productive things they used to, they begin to feel worthless.

There are others who base their self-worth on how much money they have in the bank or other assets and possessions. I remember a true story a pastor friend related several years ago. A couple in his church had lived full and productive lives from the standpoint of worldly values. Their children were grown and all had successful jobs. This couple lived in a beautiful home full of expensive furnishings. The wife's life centered around her home, its furnishings, gardens, etc. Then one night there was a terrible fire which destroyed their home and its furnishings. The couple were able to escape without injury. As the pastor rushed to their side and sought to comfort them, the distraught woman could only cry "everything I cared about is gone!" That's going to happen with our worldly possessions, if not during our earthly life, certainly when we leave this earth!

What really determines our worth, then? If it's not strength and productivity, good works, or worldly possessions, what is it? Essentially, every person has to find that answer for himself. As for me, I found my worth in the knowledge that the Creator of the universe, designed me when I was conceived in my mother's womb; that He took special note of me and has shown me His unfathomable love through Jesus Christ, His Son.

You can realize your self-worth the same way I did. God wants you to know that you are specially and uniquely created, and greatly loved by Him. In fact, He loved you so much He sent His only begotten Son into the world to give His life in ransom for you. It matters not what your standing is in this world, whether you're educated or uneducated, rich or poor, weak or strong. Your Creator and Redeemer has had His loving eye on you from the time of your conception and if you return His love, He will never leave you nor forsake you.

Your friend, Dolores


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