Musings:2/11/09, About Revelation, by John.
Revelation is probably one of the most studied and most misunderstood Books of the Bible. We think of children's books as being "Picture books," but that's exactly what Revelation is. It is written in Apocryphal code. Unless otherwise stated everything is hidden. When God speaks in the Book, it is truly a revelation of truth, but almost all of the Book is in a code that the Jews and Christians of that day understood. The code was developed to hide the message and make it meaningless to those who did not know the code. We have a code that is almost out of date. Do you understand this? ... --- .... ... --- ... is Morse code for SOS. It was used in both wired and wireless communication in the past. SOS, you probably know, meant Save Our Ship and was used when ships were in trouble at sea.
Christians today do not know all of the Apocryphal language. We understand much of it, but as far as prophecy is concerned, we can only make educated guesses. I'm sure many will disagree with me on that, but I'll take the criticism and still maintain that when we pinpoint prophecy in Revelation, it is mostly guesswork.
The pictures are dramatic, stark, and moving, a woman riding on a beast with seven heads and ten horns, and the woman was drunk with the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus, a dragon with seven heads and ten horns appears is named fourteen times from 12:3 to 20:2, locusts with scorpion tails and men's faces, and there are so many more!
The pictorial scenes sweep across the mind as you read the words. One I think of as most graphic and moving is in 6:9-11. The living creature with wings and eyes all over it, opened the fifth seal, and suddenly John could see beneath the altar of God. There he saw the souls of all those killed because of the Word of God and the testimony they maintained. While he watched they asked, "How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?" (v. 10). Each of them was given a white robe and told that they must wait until all the rest of the martyrs joined them.
All the Book drives home the point that it will not be too long! And that God is not only Supreme, but that He also keeps every promise He makes.
I don't concern myself with attempting to understand Revelation in minute detail, but I rather consider the vast sweeping message of hope for the future. I'm not concerned with whether Jesus went to prepare us mansions, apartments, rooms, or shacks. (John 14:1,2). I know in my heart that whatever God has in store for each of us who believe will be wonderful, glorious, and that it will far surpass our wildest imagination. I like to keep in mind that there will be no marriage or giving in marriage, but that we will be like the angels. (Mt. 22:30).
Revelation is all about Jesus, His Father, and our relationship, or lack of it, to God. They are One God, not two or three. That's beyond our understanding, but that shouldn't be a surprise to us. Before 1925, we had no idea of how to televise pictures. We had no idea that people would cross this continent in a matter of hours, or circle the earth in a space ship. Our minds are only able to move into new territory at a very slow pace. When we look back at the last hundred years, the inventions and the technology behind them is really unbelievable. I look forward to the day when we will all see God as He is, and all discussion of trinity and unity will be stilled.
The last invitation in Revelation is wonderful, and show the greatness of our God! It's found in 22:17, "The Spirit and the bride say, 'Come!' And let him who hears say, 'Come!' Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life." Have you accepted this wonderful invitation from the living, wonderful, loving God Who wants you to be His child?
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