A Note to Those Who Comment
A Note to Those Who Comment
I've used computers for many, many years operating the first ones with radar to locate enemy ships and planes about the close of WW II. I purchased my first computer from Radio Shack many years ago. It had fifteen kilobytes of memory, and I was told I would never need more. That lets you know how far back that goes.
I've watched spam operators from the beginning. I don't answer spam. I appreciate comments about the items on my blog, but I really consider all spam, even if it parades as a comment, as trash, and that's where it goes. I don't expect everyone to agree with me about most anything. I've counseled with many wanting to solve marriage problems, personal problems, and with those seeking to know, or know God better for decades. Sometimes someone fools me. That doesn't bother me. God is not fooled and is aware of the attempt before it is made. He is my Protector as well as my God.
I said the above to let you know, you can send anything you want. The reasonable things I will read and consider. The rest I will overlook without a second glance, but I will probably pause for a second to ask God to forgive you for what you do. After all, if you don't please Him perhaps He will have pity on you. He did me many, many years ago while I was on the Pacific aboard the USS Iowa. I've never regretted turning my life over to Him, and I've never regretted depending on Jesus for Eternal Salvation, nor have I ever understood why anyone fails to see that our God is so great that He can be Father, Son and Holy Spirit all at the same time.
A few of those who comment have been quite uncomplimentary toward Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Needless to say, you are out of touch with all Christendom. Surely we all have enough imagination to see the possibility of trinity. Most of us laugh and get swept up in the moment when a skillful ventriloquist puts on a show with his dummy. As a youngster, Charlie McCarthy was quite real when Edgar Bergen spoke through him. My mind was not fooled, but I enjoyed every minute of "their" conversation. For me it is an easy step to recognize the reality of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, and they are One God. God is as some theologians have put it "holy other," but I think those theologians all acknowledged God is not "the Great Unknown." In fact, the Scripture is about knowing God, and Jesus came that we may know the Father. In John 14 Thomas asked Jesus how they could know the way, and Jesus answered him in verses 6 and 7, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him." His words definitely tell us, the only way to God and heaven is through Him, and when we come to know Jesus, we also know the Father and have seen Him! Moses wanted to see God, and God gave him a glimpse, but when we want to see God we look to Jesus, and there God is! They are One!
Thank you all for all your comments!
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