Ministry of Love

The intention of this blog is to share Biblical messages at least on a weekly basis. Any response is appreciated. I do not expect everyone to agree with my interpretation of Biblical passages. I will try to respond with love and thoughtfulness.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Mark 5:21-43

1. It seems to me that almost everything about this
event in the life of Jesus is unusual in some way.
(1) Jairus was a ruler in the Synagogue.
a. Most rulers consider themselves above the common people.
b. They are quick to let you know they don’t expect to be kept waiting!
c. Jairus had to wait, but he didn’t complain! That’s unusual, isn't it?
(2) From what we just read Jairus believed the impossible is possible with God! And that’s unusual, too.
(3) V 40; The paid mourners and others gathered at Jairus' home laughed at Jesus.
a. If it had been me, I might have called down fire from heaven to destroy them. (James and John earned the name "Boanerges" because they suggested that to Jesus.
b. Jesus refused to even respond with “I’ll show you!”
2. There are four types of people in this story:
(1) Believers like Jairus.
(2) Hopeful, like the disciples, and others looking for miracles
(3) Unbelievers with open minds.
(4) Unbelievers with closed minds, people who thought they already knew it all!
3. Today, we want to major on the care Jesus gave
these people. You’re familiar with the term doctors and nurses use, aren't you? “Tender, loving care?”
4. Well, I’m glad they give it, but tender loving care did not originate with them. It originated with Jesus.


1. Jairus apparently had heard about Jesus.
(1) He poured out his heart in simple, desperate trust.
a. He had already reached his point of no return!
b. His daughter was his priceless treasure.
aa. We love our children and nothing is more important to us, but to the Jews their children also meant other things.
bb. We sometimes think of children as "accidents of nature?" but to the Jews, they were definitely a blessing from God.
cc. Psalm 127:3-5 says, "Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gate."
dd. Such blessings raised their family's value in the community.
c. Jairus was probably already under a social cloud because he had only a daughter! No son! (Other accounts of this are in Matthew 9 and Luke 8. In Luke 8, it says "his only daughter.")
d. Jairus placed his entire burden on Jesus.
(2) Jesus went with him to answer his prayers.
2. On the way, the woman with an issue of blood touched his clothing.
(1) She was lost. She had no hope apart from this desperate attempt to be healed.
(2) Jesus healed her immediately! Without even talking to her! I believe there is no other incident like this in the New Testament. Unusual!
(3) Jesus sought her out, and gained her confession of faith. That was TLC!
3. His TLC also reached the Apostles.
(1) They were scheduled to become “little Jesuses.”
a. They were not like him yet.
aa. Peter was an ear-chopping denier.
bb. James and John were known as boanerges, “sons of thunder.”
b. They needed knowledge as well as faith.
(1) Jesus taught them.
a. He taught them step by step.
b. They didn’t really graduate until Pentecost.
c. Like us, they never arrived at perfection in their actions. Peter took the Gospel to the Gentiles. He ate with them, but when Jerusalem Jews showed up, he stopped eating with he Gentiles, and Paul corrected him!
4. Jesus' TLC reached the dead child.
(1) How much had she suffered? No one knows, but Jesus!
(2) Jesus raised her, restored her and ordered her to be fed!
(3) You see, He even cares for our temporal needs, too. (The Lord's Prayer, "give us this day our daily bread).
a. This child was sick a long time. She probably had little or no appetite during her sickness.
b. Her parents were in such joy because of her healing that they probably overlooked her hunger, but Jesus didn't!

II. Jesus' TLC Is Complete, But Some People Do Not Want It!

1. He went beyond the desire of each one of these
people, and He will go beyond your desires, too.
2. His TLC included life-everlasting and heaven!
3. Suppose these parents had not wanted Jesus’
TLC. Can you imagine anyone not wanting their child healed? I can’t.
4.Yet, those earthly leaders influenced the crowds,
and they rejected Jesus and all He could and would do for them.
(1) At first the multitudes flocked to Jesus.
(2) Later they left, and Jesus turned to the Apostles and said, “Will you go away, too?” He must have been terribly disappointed and sorrowful for those people.
(3) At one point, He stood on a hill overlooking the city and cried out, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem! You who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing. Look, your house is left to you desolate.” (Matthew 23:37,38).
5. Mockers scorned Jesus.
(1) He said the gate that leads to life is narrow and not many find it.
(2) The way to hell is broad.
a. The crowds were on it.
b. The mockers were right there with them.
c. Nothing has changed!
(3) Our heavenly Father sent His Only Begotten Son to carry all of our sins to the cross, and to open the narrow way for us.


1. Jesus’ TLC is for you. Jairus is in heaven now, and he is calling for us to come home. Others are there, too.
2. They join God’s Spirit. Revelation 22:17 says,
The Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come!’ And let him who hears say, ‘Come!’ Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.” (We who know Jesus are the bride).
3. There’s a song in our hymnal that says, “Come
every soul by sin oppressed, there is mercy with the Lord.”
4. That’s our invitation to you right now. Take Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Join this church. Surrender your life for ministry. Do whatever the Lord tells you to do. You will always be glad you did!

ECC 2/4/2007


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