Don't Be Disturbed About the Kingdom, by John.
Hello, I retired after having ill health for a while. I'm better now, and I plan to remain "semi-retired," but I plan to read, pray, study, witness and preach whenever I can. I hope you will continue to enter the Word with me from time to time. --John.
Don't Be Disturbed About the Kingdom.
Luke 17: 20-37
1. Today there is a man who has already gained a large following by saying he is Christ.
(1) He says the Bible is right, and that Jesus was born and died as it says He did.
(2) He says the Bible is right about the second coming of Jesus.
(3) Beyond that, he is wrong because he says he has returned the second time, and he is the Christ.
2. If we do not know our Bibles, or if we believe our Bibles are full of errors, such a person will mislead us.
3. I want us to think about what Jesus said about the Kingdom of God, then we may connect that to the Second Coming.
4. So let me begin by saying, don't be disturbed about the Kingdom of God.
5. The Pharisees believed in the resurrection.
(1) They believed the Kingdom of God would not come until the resurrection happened.
(2) Their question was reason enough for Jesus to teach them and His disciples about the Kingdom.
6. Let's look at a few points of His teaching...
I. The Kingdom of God is Spiritual.
1. The Pharisees could only picture the Kingdom of God as a place.
(1) That was a natural mistake. God took then out of Egypt and brought them to the Promised Land, a physical place where a lot of different people already lived.
a. It was a place where they were expected to drive out and actually destroy the residents of the land.
b. That meant it would take a lot of sacrifice on their part
aa. They would have to use sword, spear and sling!
bb. They would doubtlessly have to live on whatever their families could provide for them to eat, or what they could take from their enemies.
(2) Their traditions had not prepared them spiritually.
2. In v. 20, Jesus told them they could not see the Kingdom of God by keeping a sharp watch for it.
3. In v. 21, He told them it was a mistake to listen to other people who would say, the Kingdom of God is right here! Or the Kingdom of God is right over there!
4. He finished that verse by telling them where the The kingdom of God was and still is! It's within you!
5. Years ago I listened to a radio preacher who was talking about Billy Graham preaching at that time in Madison Square Garden. I don't remember his exact words, but it went something like this, That preacher says, "Come up to New York City and get saved," but that ain't going to save you! You save your money and come up to Detroit. You come up here to me, and you get saved."
6. The point that Jesus was making is that you have to come to Him spiritually for salvation, and you will be in the Kingdom of God!
7. God wants to be King within you!
II. Second, Our Desire Will Make It Easy for Anyone to Be Fooled!
1. He knew that sin would be rampant in the world just as it is today.
2. In v 1 of this chapter, Jesus said, "Things that cause people to sin are bound to come, but woe to that person through whom they come."
3. When sin is everywhere we look, it is hard for us to see God in all His glory.
(1) Christians shake their heads because they don't know what to do.
(2) As it was in the Old Testament on many occasions, the people have no direct word from God.
(3) Even the best Christians begin to have doubts if not about the reality of God, about His reign on earth!
4. When such times arise, and I believe we are in one of them right now, people yearn for a Word from God!
5. When we seek God, Satan is quick to help us make a mistake. He provides false leadership.
6. And because we yearn for God, we are easily misled.
(1) We were eating today, I said, "Boy! This tastes good!" My daughter laughed and repeated an old saying, "Hunger makes everything taste better!"
(2) It's true! We need to be careful when we hunger for God because our yearning may make us easily misled.
7. If you are hungering for God, look in the Bible! That's the right place to get acquainted with Him.
III. When Jesus Comes Again, Be Ready!
1. Times change, but people don't.
(1) When the flood came, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, doing everything just the way they had always done it!
(2) When God's representatives visited Lot and his family in Sodom, everything was going on as usual including their sin!
(3) In the first instance, the water must have taken days to rise over the earth, but no matter how long it took, the door to the ark was already sealed! They could not get in, and Noah had preached and witnessed to them for 120 years!!!!
(4) In Sodom, as soon as Lot left the city, fire rained down from heaven and inundated the whole area! It was instantaneous!
(5) I think Jesus used these two illustrations to say to us, when He comes, if you haven't already made preparation for the trip, you won't be able to change your mind! It will be too late!
2. The whole point is, you can get ready now! If you get ready now, you will be ready when the time comes.
3. If all you are doing is trying to avoid hellfire, you won't be ready.
4. If you commit your life completely to Jesus, you will be ready!
1. Offences will come Jesus said, and people who falsely proclaim a special word from God, or a special visit from God are committing such an offence.
2. The Kingdom of God is within us who trust Jesus. God is King in our hearts!
3. When we are already in the Kingdom, we need not worry about when Jesus will come, or where we may find Him. He is already with us!
4. If you wait until that day, I don't think you will make it according to this Scripture.
5. You have to make preparation in advance. In Revelation 3:20, Jesus gave us a most wonderful invitation: "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door. I will come in and eat with him, and he with me."
6. The door to heaven is open to all just like the door of the ark was in Noah's day.
7. Make your decision for Jesus before the rain starts!
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