Ministry of Love

The intention of this blog is to share Biblical messages at least on a weekly basis. Any response is appreciated. I do not expect everyone to agree with my interpretation of Biblical passages. I will try to respond with love and thoughtfulness.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

The Healing of a Woman Mark 5:25-34, by John.

Mark 5:25-34

1. What a marvelous story!
2. Truth is truly stranger than fiction.
3. No one could dream up such a wonderful story!
4. Jesus is on the way to Jairus’ home to heal his dying daughter when unexpectedly and dramatically he stops, and says, “Who touched my clothes?”
5. Quite naturally the disciples said, “Everyone is touching you, Master! Why do you ask which one?”
6. Perhaps His eye had already fallen upon her: She came and fell at His feet.


1. She was the only one of that whole multitude who was healed!
2. She was not the only sick one, but many did not know they were sick. Ill. Dr. Hugh Gamble operated on my mother for cancer and while treating her he himself died of cancer! In the midst of all that diagnostic equipment, the disease was undetected until too late!
3. Sin-sickness is just as tricky!
4. This woman knew her condition.
(1) She had fought it for years and had exhausted her wealth. (V. 26.)
(2) She gave her problem first priority in her life. (3) Oh, how I wish every lost person would do that!!!
(4) She exercised her hope: It became faith.
She exercised her faith: It became healing.
(5) Notice that her faith was not in Buddha, not in Ahura Mazda, not in Allah, not in physicians, not in Science, technology, or education! It was in the person of Jesus!


1. He has been accused of wasting valuable time here, but time is in His hands, and it is never wasted!
2. Living or dead did not matter, Jairus’ daughter would be well when Jesus left her side!
3. He was attending to his business. “He came to seek and to save what was lost.” (Luke 19:10).
4. He was aware when “power” (dunamis) went out of Him. (v. 30).
5. It is natural for God’s grace to save people.
(1) When they come to Him in simple faith He can and will save them.
(2) It is never just a legal maneuver! It is always personal!
6. God knows, and God meets each person who comes!
(1) This woman was not an exception! She had faith, not much maybe, but at least the faith of a mustard seed!
(2) She was, and is, the rule!!! Everyone is important to Jesus!
7. She was already healed when He talked with her.
(1) So, why did He seek her out?
(2) Jesus knew she needed to profess her faith in Him publicly. If you haven't, you need to profess your faith in Jesus just like she did!
7. Confession is like a doctor’s slap when you are born! It gets you started on the right track, doing the right things!
(1) She had to begin sharing Jesus with others for her own sake.
(2) That’s how you gain strength, Christian!
8. Jesus was continuing to do His work.
9. Jesus had a message of love for her, and she would not have heard the message, if she had not come forward. Her faith needed to hear the words of Jesus in v. 34, "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering." She was healed, but I believe His words freed her!
10. Friend, have you received your own message from Jesus?


1. They rejoiced because someone was healed.
2. They did not realize that they themselves needed spiritual healing.
3. Sympathetic watchers may enjoy the game, but only players can win!


1. Are you spiritually sick? Do you know for sure, you are going to heaven when you die?
2. Jesus will meet you personally and save you if you have faith enough to touch the hem of His garment! Do you?

Emmanuel 3/11/2007


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