What Does Being Christian Mean? by John.
Jesus stated in both Matthew 12:33 and Luke 6:44 that trees are known by their fruit, acorns from oaks, pecans from pecans, figs from figs, etc. It's enigmatic to many because He wasn't talking about trees, but human beings. Each Gospel quotes Him as saying good people bring forth good fruit out of their hearts, and evil people produce bad fruit from theirs.
It is absolutely true that Christians are known by their fruit. I ask the question "What does being Christian mean," because I see the answer is clouded. Well-meaning people are imperfect. Some who call themselves Christians are obviously wrong. Still others use the gullibility of Christians for their own selfish gain. James and John wanted to call fire down on a whole town because they didn't treat Jesus well. Jesus rebuked them and told them they did not yet know the Spirit they were of. Later in time, "Christians" sought to free the Holy Land from "infidels". Even the name "infidel" is offensive, but the atrocities committed in the name of Jesus were far worse. Through the following centuries, Protestants and Catholics both put people in prison and killed many because they did not use the name "Christian," or because their Christian doctrines differed. It is no wonder that so many students have refused Christianity because of the facts they discovered in history.
What does being Christian mean to you? I grew up in a church where it seemed to me that being a Christian was a matter of saying you were. My parents were in their 40's when I was born, so most of their friends were middle aged. Those were the people I knew both in church and in their places of business. I heard their curses, their bawdy stories, and I saw many of them proudly attending church on Sunday mornings. I also saw them gambling in their places of business, sometimes in a poolroom, and once or twice in a backyard. They certainly sent a mixed message to me; yet, I am a product of that environment. I soon discovered I did not choose to be like them. I chose to pattern my behavior after the better people in my church.
A friend and I had the same birthday, and we were close neighbors. On our twelfth birthday we joined the church. Neither of us seemed to have a clear idea of what being Christian was; yet somehow we both did eventually become Christians, and both of us became ministers.
Later, both of us changed churches without the other knowing it. I thought at the time denomination made a lot of difference, but I've not been sure about that in the last few years. I've met some Christians who belong to my original denomination that would pass any test I could think of. They are that much like Jesus. Oops! I let the cat out of the bag before I intended to! Yep! If your idea of being a Christian is not being like Jesus, it's not a good idea.
Even trying to be like Jesus is fraught with peril. There's a whole church full of people in Kansas who have gone on the warpath against American soldiers and homosexuals. I don't recall Jesus ever attacking anyone except when he overthrew the moneychangers' tables in the temple, and even then, he simply corrected their wrong.
Being like Jesus does not mean we have to wear robes and sandals. It's not a matter of dress at all. In fact, I believe Jesus never had a picture made because He did not want people to try to look like Him. Can you imagine what would have happened in the world if people really knew what Jesus looked like? Take a quick thought about what followed the death of Elvis Presley. His look-alikes number in the thousands! I'm glad we don't have a real picture of Jesus for that reason.
Most of us have an idea that being Christian only involves a set of social rules and customs with occasional perfunctory prayers. We think that if we display our expected position in worship, then we can go leave and return to our "normal" selves.
I believe the Bible gives us a lot more extensive picture of Christianity. That picture is Jesus. "What would Jesus do," is a question that has been popular for a long time, but it is also impossible. We are so imperfect that we can't be successful reacting to every event like that. What we can do is study the life of Jesus through His inspired sayings and try to become remolded in our own basic nature.
I get a little tired of people discussing whether dogs have souls, or not. I think most of those arguing either way would say that people do have souls; yet, the Scripture plainly tells us we are living souls! That's who we are! We are spiritual beings! And as such, we belong to God, and He has given us the right to become His Own children when we admit our sins, and turn from them to Jesus for salvation. When we do, our body may die, but we live on as long as God lives! (I borrowed that from Billy Graham).
Being Christian does not mean we will never sin, never make a mistake, or be self-seeking, and self-indulgent. It does mean we will continually turn away from all evil in ourselves and others. It also means that we will live with the propensity for failure that others have without snubbing them or castigating them. It means we will treat them with love, the love of Jesus that He instills in us. I John states that clearly in 2:9, "Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates his brother is still in the darkness." The next verses continue that thought.
Not church membership, not a written code, but what God does in and with our lives is what makes us Christian and our constant contact with God through His Holy Spirit is what it means to be Christian. I discovered many years ago that in myself, I have nothing to be proud of. Baptism, church membership, approval of my brethren, ordination, successful service in church, my BA and M-DIV degrees all amount to nothing! Being as much like Jesus and loving others like He did is my passion in this life, and if it is not yours, I hope it will be soon! I pray God will bless you with a saving knowledge of Himself.
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