Ministry of Love

The intention of this blog is to share Biblical messages at least on a weekly basis. Any response is appreciated. I do not expect everyone to agree with my interpretation of Biblical passages. I will try to respond with love and thoughtfulness.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

John 21:18-25, Follow Me. by John.

John 21:18-25 (Read text in intro.)

1. What do you think was the most important command Jesus gave His apostles? He gave some great ones:
(1) Was it "As you are going, make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you." Mt ˇ28:19,20.
(2) Or was it concerning the Lord's supper when He said, "do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me." I Co 11:25
(3) What about "stay in the city until you are clothed in power from on high." Lk 24:49.
(4) What about "Let not your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me." Jn 14:1,2.
2. All of these are great, aren't they? But I've left out one of the greatest which Jesus commanded more than once!
(1) Can you think what it is?
(2) Let's read John 21:18-25 and we'll see it. (READ TEXT HERE)
3. Jesus told Simon Peter "Follow Me."
(1) It wasn't the first time Jesus told someone that, was it?
(2) Of course not.
a. In Mt 4:19, He called Peter and Andrew.ˇ
b. In the next verses He called James and John, but Matthew didn't give us His words.
c. In Mt. 9:9, He called Matthew.
4. I think it is significant that Jesus' first and last command to Peter was "Follow Me."
(1) In between times, Peter had denied the Lord three times.
(2) Peter also was the one who led the disciples out of town to go fishing when he knew the Lord told them to wait in the city!
(3) I'm glad to know our Lord is patient enough to put up with our foolish doings until we learn to follow Him! Aren't you glad?
5. Let's spend a little time looking at this account.


1. I used to wonder what it would be like to get old.
(1) I knew this body would wear out. I just didn't know exactly how.
(2) I saw old friends and heard about their physical complaints, but I just didn't really understand.
(3) I read this beautiful account of aging in Ecclesiastes 12:1-7 (read it)
(4) Only experience can tell you what it is really like to get old.
2. This one thing we can be sure of. Tomorrow will not be like today!
(1) Life may be short or long, but it will inevitably lead to our dependence on someone else!
(2) Note v. 18: We move from independence to dependence!
(3) John says in v. 19 Jesus was signifying Peter would die on a cross, and he did.
3. At the same time I believe the message for us is we must follow Jesus while we can! The time is coming when we cannot follow Him, and we don't know when that's going to happen!
4. We shouldn't overlook the possibility a time may come when soldiers will take some of us to be crucified because we trust Jesus!
(1) It doesn't take a prophet to see the world becomes more pagan, more anti-God every day!
(2) Some of us may have our hands bound for Jesus if our nation doesn't get back to God!
5. Jesus warned Peter that was exactly what would happen to him,
(1) In spite of it, He told Peter, "Follow Me!"
(2) Can't you hear Jesus saying to you, "Follow Me?"


1. Look at vv. 20,21.
(1) Jesus has just faced Peter with how little he really loved the Lord.
(2) Now He is commanding him to follow Him, and what is Simon Peter doing? He's minding John's business!
a. John was following them, and Peter couldn't stand it!
b. Apparently Jesus walked away as He told Peter to follow Him.
2. I don't think any of this was accidental.
(1) John had to be within earshot, or he couldn't have recorded this event in his Gospel, so God wanted him there.
(2) We needed the lesson Peter had to learn.
(3) We don't know what God is doing with someone else.
(4) We must let them do what they believe is right.
3. Jesus rebuked Peter rather sharply, I think, don't you?
(1) Look at v. 22.
(2) What a shock that must have been to Peter! Almost everyone thinks they'd like to live forever on earth! And Jesus suggested He might just keep John here!
(3) In v. 23, John carefully points out Jesus didn't say he wouldn't die. (We think John was probably in his eighties when he wrote this).
4. Brethren, we need to spend our energy following Jesus instead of using it to keep up with what other children of God are doing!


1. The word "follow" in Greek in "akoleutheo"
(1) It's made up of a particle meaning "union," and a word which means "road",
(2) It means to be on the same road with Jesus and in His company!
2. I love to sing, "Footsteps of Jesus that make the pathway glow," but that's not the way to follow Jesus!
(1) That seems to indicate He is out of sight, way up ahead somewhere!
(2) When Jesus told Simon Peter to follow Him, He was indicating Peter was to be on the same road at the same time in the company of Jesus Himself!
(3) I believe Jesus wants us to follow Him just the same way! Not way back out of sight behind Him, but right alongside Him!
3. That means if He walks through sand, we do, too!
4. If He walks through mud, we do, too!
5. If He heals the sick, restores sight to the blind, or does any other thing, we are to be right there doing our part!
6. If He goes to a cross, we are to go right along with Him!
7. That's what it means when He says, "Follow Me."


1. We have an opportunity to follow Jesus today. Tomorrow the opportunity may be gone! Follow Him ˇ while you can!
2. Put on spiritual blinders where other people are concerned.
(1) If you don't you'll burn a lot of energy uselessly.
(2) You may even be found getting in God's way as someone else is accomplishing the task God gave him.
(3) Our job is to Follow Jesus!
3. We don't follow from a distance. We walk on the same road Jesus walks on, at the same time, and we do the same things He does. That's what it means to follow Jesus.
4. One quick trip through the New Testament Gospels is enough to tell us following Jesus is a tough life, but it is worth it! Amen?ˇ
5. Maybe your intentions have been good, but you realize you haven't followed Jesus the way we have described following Him.
6. This is a great time to set following Jesus as your primary goal in life! And you can start right now! Make Jesus your Lord!

Emmanuel 4/16/1989
SSClass, IstBapt,WestFork, AR 9/23/07