032309, Is Greed Good? by John.
Is Greed Good?
There is an old question that people bring up once in a while: Can good come from evil? In sixty-two years of ministry, I never heard anyone say the world or any individual needed to be greedy until I received a clip of an interview this week. The person being interviewed stated that greed is good, not that it can be, but that it is good, and it is necessary for the good of mankind. He indicated that every person who accomplished anything good for the people of the world did it because of greed. He made some telling historical points, but somehow he did not convince me. I've read Romans 8:28. The writer states, "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."
I wondered if he would call war good? Greed for land, power, prestige, and control of others cause wars. These aren't the only possible causes. I suppose a war may be waged to right some wrongs, but most of the time the cure is worse than the disease; yet, good does come from war. It is not an outgrowth of it, but God uses it to carry out His promises. Surgery advanced over and over again due to war's victims, and doctor's attempts to save them. Their abilities were sharpened and their tools vastly improved. God used evil to accomplish good for innocents and for his own children.
While I listened to the man talk, I remembered numbers of people such as Mahatma Gandhi who starved himself in passive resistance to gain freedom in India. He didn't become a millionaire in the process, did he? Then I thought of Madam Curie who pioneered the way for our safety with the modern technology of radioactive materials. I remembered Lottie Moon, a tiny woman who spent her life in China teaching children about Jesus, and who gave her own food to them trying to keep them from starving. She starved herself literally to death! She will always be a heroine to me!
I didn't always agree with Martin Luther King, but I certainly admired him for his stand to bring equality to this nation's people. Apparently a lot of other people did, too, or we wouldn't have a holiday in his honor. To a great degree, he accomplished what Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation started. Where was his greed?
What about Jesus? (If you aren't a Christian, I may lose you here). Was it greed that caused Him to leave the comfort, prestige, position, and His Father in heaven to be born as a human baby? Theologians argue about how much as a child He knew of His former life. In fact, religious sects have arisen throughout history because of the different views about it. I'll just take what John 1:1-3 says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being by Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being." If you believe that, then you also believe what He says.
Jesus said, "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will hold to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. " Matthew 6:24. Mammon should be translated "money." I happened to pick up a New American Standard Version as I began writing this.
Money is frequently the tool used by greedy people, and it does become your god when you put it ahead of the Living God. Matthew 16: 26 says: "What will a man be profited, if he gains the whole world, and forfeits his soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?" Isn't it obvious that Jesus was saying, fulfilling your greed is a destructive thing unless you can keep God on the throne of your life. Perhaps your desire for wealth or position will be the fulfillment of God's will for your life instead of being greed. I have no doubt that God intends for some to be much richer than others, but He also expects you to be faithful to Him and for you to obey Him. Jesus said He always did the will of His Father. So should we! Being rich brings with it responsibility for those not so blessed. That responsibility is not based on the poor's merit, but simply on their need. Many rich people wonder if the money they give the poor went to "deserving" people. No one deserves help by the world's standard. All do by God's standard. His standard is His Own love for those He created. That's why Jesus said, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life." John 3:16. The word "world" should be translated "mankind." God loves rich and poor alike. He loves both the greedy and the generous. Instead of greed, we need to put God first, seek to produce enough to share with others not so blessed, open our hearts to them, and close our eyes where judging them is concerned. Greed is not good. Jesus asked the rich young man why he called Him good? Jesus said only God is good. He is the One we need to be like!